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Rainbows and Sunbeams

At Tenterden Primary Federation we are part of the Rainbows family which aims to guide children through life’s storms. 
‘Rainbows Bereavement Support GB is a well-respected national charity which has proven, positive direct impact on the lives of children grieving a significant loss in their lives.’ 
What is Rainbows? 
Rainbows fosters emotional healing in children, young people and adults who are grieving a loss through death, divorce, separation or any other painful transition in their lives. 
Here at Tenterden Primary Federation, we provide a safe setting in school where children can talk about their feelings with their peers who are experiencing similar situations (groups are kept to a maximum of 5 children).  They are helped to articulate their feelings by our trained members of staff, Mrs Sault and Miss McGrath. 
Rainbows supports self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience by promoting emotional development and healthy relationships. 
Commonly asked questions 
What about confidentiality? 
Confidentiality will be kept at all times unless a child is at risk.  Rainbows groups adhere strictly to the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures. 
How many children will be in the group? 
Groups have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 children.  Group members are determined by key stage and what they are experiencing. 
What about EYFS?  Are they too young? 
EYFS age children are supported by our Sunbeams programme (Rainbows adapted for younger children). 
How often does it run? 
We aim to run three groups per year in terms 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6.  Programmes have between 8 and 10 sessions so run over two terms and sessions are held weekly. 
 How can I sign my child up for Rainbows? 
Children are invited to attend groups. 
Please speak with Mrs Sault about why you feel your child would benefit.  
If Rainbows is not the best fit, then alternative support can be offered. 
Questions asked by parents/carers and answered by parents/carers 
What will it cost? 
Will it help my child to talk about their feelings? 
“They can now say what’s on their mind.  This has meant a calmer family life and better bedtimes.” 
Does it help for children to share experiences with others? 
“It meant they realised there were other children in a similar situation and they didn’t feel so lonely.” 
Since we split up our child has no confidence.  I’m not sure Rainbows will help. 
“They are growing in confidence, being able to voice how they feel and knowing it’s OK to feel this way.  They are still working on how to manage these feelings and giving me a few tips!”