Polar Bears Multicultural Week - Spain
Ready for take off.....we’re flying to Madrid!
Ready for take off.....we’re flying to Madrid!
We achieved 97%attendance in both schools in Term 1! This is the best ever attendance achieved.
Our wonderful menu for Multicultural Week.
We enjoyed our Autumn walk on Wednesday and were very lucky with the sunshine!
Our English lesson was interrupted this week by a special visitor to our class.
Please click on the document below to see some more information about out Snowdog journey.
Today the children had an Online Safety Lesson.
Please see today's letter regarding healthy food swaps in your child's packed lunch. Please click on the link for further information.
Thank you to parents for their feedback and continued support.
Mrs Sault
We raised £236.32!
Key Stage One have continued on their mission to make Wilfred the Wolf become healthier. They have made delicious cheese and lettuce sandwiches. Recipes have been written by the children in English for Wilfred to follow and make his own yummy healthy sandwiches.
Key Stage One's week begun with a video film clip of Wilfred Wolf who was seen eating unhealthy food in our school hall. Wilfred asked us to teach him how to become healthy. In English we had great fun making and eating our own healthy sandwich. We then wrote our recipes for Wilfred to follow. In Science we sorted Wilfred’s fridge into healthy and unhealthy food. In Maths this week we solved problems comparing numbers and explaining and proving how.
We took part in Funky Footwear Friday in aid of Kent Air Ambulance. We raised £100 which we will be sending off to Kent Air Ambulance.