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Infant School Blog

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  • Year One Maths

    Published 21/09/18

    In maths Year One are continuing to compare amounts, using stem sentences and manipulatives to help us further.

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  • EYFS

    Published 21/09/18

    We've come to the end of the first week of full days, phew!
    It's been a fantastic week and all of the children have been amazing, they coped so well with the feeling of tiredness and any tears they've had have dried quickly.
    It's been a week full of fun, laughter and learning, there have been so many new experiences and routines to learn, and the children have met these challenges wonderfully!
    During our whole class learning time this week we have been using our listening skills to match sounds that are the same. We have had a week all about number 1, we have been representing number 1 in different ways, writing the numeral 1 and using 1 vocabulary in our discovery learning.

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  • Mrs McIntosh has found our Snowpup

    Published 17/09/18

    Head of Schools Mrs Mcintosh has found our Snowpup, while out and about in Ashford.

    Our pup was designed by one of our pupils Lili-Rose and beautifully painted by the children helped by Miss Payne.  The children came up with suggestions for a name and finally voted on TIS.

    Can you find TIS? Click on the lick below to download the map.



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  • Snowdogs Discover Ashford 2018 - Our Snowpup called TIS.

    Published 12/09/18

    Snowdogs Discover Ashford 2018 has started.

    Local businesses, groups, and education partners have all sponsored the  Snowdog sculpture’s (Themed on The Snowman™ and The Snowdog, the animated sequel to Raymond Briggs’ classic story The Snowman™).

    Local and National artists were chosen to decorate the Snowdogs and have partnered up with their sponsor. Each dog is unique, with its own name, design and personality.

    The finished sculptures are displayed at key Ashford locations between 12th September to 18th November 2018 for families to enjoy on the streets, in parks, and in public areas.

    Each Snowdog will be auctioned at the end of the trail by Pilgrims Hospices to raise vital funds to continue to offer support where and when it’s needed for people coping with incurable illness Magical Arts Trail.


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  • EYFS - End of our first week

    Published 07/09/18

    The new Pandas and Sea Otters have had a fantastic first week at Tenterden Infant School. The children have had lots of fun making new friends and exploring their new learning environment!

    Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this first week a success. We are all very excited for a year full of learning and new experiences.

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  • English in KS1

    Published 03/09/18

    Our week started with a porridge disaster in the kitchen! The pot just wouldn’t stop cooking! The children have enjoyed learning the story of The Magic Porridge Pot and are learning to use adjectives in their writing. Next week we will be making a change to the story.

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  • Early Years Foundation Stage - First Day

    Published 03/09/18

    Today we welcomed our new children to school.  

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  • Food Champion News

    Published 30/08/18

    We are pleased to announce the Federation is a key partner of the Food Champion Programme.  Thank you to our pupils, parents/carers and staff for their ongoing support in achieving our healthy eating initiatives.

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  • Food Glorious Food

    Published 30/08/18

    Key Stage One are looking forward to this term's topic - Food Glorious Food.

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  • Welcome Back!

    Published 29/08/18

    Welcome back, we hope you have had a wonderful summer and we look forward to an exciting term.

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  • Transition Week

    Published 01/07/18

    This week is Transition Week!  An exciting week getting to know your new teacher and your new teacher getting to know you.

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  • Sports Week Menu

    Published 10/06/18

    Mrs Croucher our Catering Manager has created a delicious menu for our Sports Week.

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