Snowdogs Discover Ashford 2018 - Our Snowpup called TIS.
Snowdogs Discover Ashford 2018 has started.
Local businesses, groups, and education partners have all sponsored the Snowdog sculpture’s (Themed on The Snowman™ and The Snowdog, the animated sequel to Raymond Briggs’ classic story The Snowman™).
Local and National artists were chosen to decorate the Snowdogs and have partnered up with their sponsor. Each dog is unique, with its own name, design and personality.
The finished sculptures are displayed at key Ashford locations between 12th September to 18th November 2018 for families to enjoy on the streets, in parks, and in public areas.
Each Snowdog will be auctioned at the end of the trail by Pilgrims Hospices to raise vital funds to continue to offer support where and when it’s needed for people coping with incurable illness Magical Arts Trail.
Alongside the 35 Snowdogs are also an incredibly cute pack of Snowpups to discover, too!
Having toured the local schools across the borough, 19 Snowpups will go on display in three key locations around the town, waiting to be discovered.
Snowpups aren’t camera shy and love to have their photo taken too, so make sure you stop to take a selfie and tag us on @AshfordSnowdogs and #FindYourSnowdog so that we can see!
Foloow the link below to download your Snowdog Map.