Year 4 - Science
To begin Year 4's new Science topic “Living things and their habitats” we went outside to explore living things in their habitats.
To begin Year 4's new Science topic “Living things and their habitats” we went outside to explore living things in their habitats.
Year 6 visited Kew Gardens to see Chihuly Glass Sculptures, complete drawings and gain inspiration for the forth coming art project... we are going to create our own sculptures out of recycled bottles!!
Puffins had great fun in their maths lesson today. Applying a range of mathematical concepts to the game 'Top Trumps'.
Our clergy, Lindsay and Jeanette and our Governor Mrs Isworth led an collective worship explicating how we can support our local food bank by running our own collection point.
Fantastic FRED (a Kent NHS initiative to promote good mental health in our primary schools) performed for us yesterday, 11th September.
In September we explored our Christian values- Mrs Smith painted this amazing display!
Today, in Collective worship we learnt our vision statement!
This week in our Year 3 English lessons, we have started looking at a conquering the monster tales; focussing on setting descriptions. Our model text is 'The Beast of Bo' which follows the adventure of Vikings Harald and Erik. This is the story map we created as a class today.
Our recycled bottle top collage is making progress, and Mrs Davison called in the troops to help.
This week in Maths we have been using french stick, tortillas and chocolate. This gave us a more practical understanding of our fraction work.
It was lovely to have all the Tigers back in the art room this morning. I challenged the children to build a nest. They had a peg for a beak and a paper plate to collect all the materials they needed from the playground. We watched a couple of time lapses of birds building nests and looked at some real nests I gathered a couple of winters ago.