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Nurture and Wellbeing

What is Nurture at Tenterden Primary Federation?

At Tenterden Primary Federation we develop the whole child by ensuring that we understand the importance of wellbeing for our pupils and support their needs to ensure they achieve their potential, be happy and succeed academically and in life.

We believe effective teaching and learning cannot take place without effective relationships and positive behaviour. Children need a connection and a calm and purposeful atmosphere in order to learn and experience success. We believe we should encourage positive attitudes to each other both in the classroom and in the school environment so that all children feel safe and secure.

As a school, we aim to focus on emotional needs and development in a whole school environment. We can help to develop the nurture of children by focusing on emotional growth that can help them to form positive relationships and firm boundaries.

Our children and families are at the centre of everything we do. Mental health, social and emotional development and wellbeing is at the core of our school and by working together with our families and our community partners we will continue to equip our children with the life-skills to achieve.

Research clearly demonstrates that a nurturing approach supports the development of positive relationships which are central to both learning and wellbeing. Nurture focuses on the attention and care provided to a child that supports their developing needs and emotional resilience. In schools, the practice of nurture aims to provide this essential experience through developing positive relationships, clear boundaries and regular communication. 

A key aspect of a nurturing approach is an understanding of attachment theory and how early experiences can have a significant impact on development. It recognises that all school staff have a role to play in establishing the positive relationships that are required to promote healthy social and emotional development and that these relationships should be reliable, predictable and consistent where possible.

A nurturing approach has a key focus on the school environment and emphasises the balance between care and challenge which incorporates warmth and connection alongside structure, high expectations and a focus on achievement and attainment.

Our school approach is based on the 6 Principles of Nurture.

These are;

1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally

2. The environment offers a safe base

3. The importance of nurture for the development of self-esteem

4. Language is a vital means of communication

5. It is understood that all behaviour is communication

6. The importance of transition in children’s lives is understood. 

Our school Nurture leads are Rachel Peachey (Deputy Head) and Sonya Sault (FLO). They are supported by Tracy Tinsley (SENCo), Kelly McGrath (HLTA) and Jane White (HLTA).

What are the aims of our Nurture approach?

  • To provide a predictable, calm and purposeful environment and timetable.
  • To develop self-esteem and social skills.
  • To build positive and trusting relationships with adults who provide constancy and a sense of containment.
  • To develop responsibility for self and others.
  • To help children become aware of the impact of their feelings.
  • To manage their emotions in a safe and appropriate way.
  • To help children learn to make decisions and wise choices through understanding the consequences of their behaviour.
  • To help children grow emotionally and socially.
  • To work in partnership with parents and carers to achieve consistency of approach at home and school (reciprocal care).
  • Transition awareness and support.
  • Play and expression work.

Nurture in action at Tenterden Primary Federation:

  • Use of Emotion Coaching to help children make sense of their big emotions
  • Zones of Regulation to support emotional regulation and to support children to understand emotional vocabulary
  • Boxall Profiles allow us to develop an understanding of a young persons emotional needs and therefore help them
  • Class rules to aid understanding of shared values
  • Reinforcement of all positive behaviours using Dojos
  • PSHE and SRE curriculum that focuses on qualities that underpin emotional wellbeing
  • Use of visual strategies to ensure we are continually communication-friendly for all our children and families
  • Regular learning and sensory breaks to support pupils in self-regulation
  • A bereavement program, Rainbows and Sunbeams is available to those who have suffered loss
  • Sand play and Drawing and Talking are used to assist children in exploring their emotions
  • The Emotional Wellbeing Team run Brain Buddies and whole class workshops to equip pupils with the tools they need to be resilient

What this means for your child:

  • We meet with children to support and challenge unhelpful and negative beliefs about themselves and build resilience.
  • The development of social and emotional skills is at the heart of our curriculum.
  • We use positive reinforcement and nurturing opportunities to recognize and manage their emotions.
  • We act on the pupil's voice through questionnaires, class assemblies, circle time, and school council meetings.
  • Transitions are carefully planned and supported.
  • Clear rules and routines help pupils to feel safe and secure
  • Children are supported to develop their emotional literacy
  • We understand that children learn and develop at different ages and stages and this is reflected in our curriculum and approaches.

Ways you can work with us to support your child:

  • Attend your child’s parent’s meetings and book looks and share your ideas
  • Ensure that we have up-to-date contact information so we can communicate with you about your child and register for Class Dojo.
  • Join us for school events such as coffee mornings and assemblies as our children tell us that they feel proud and happy when their parents are in school.
  • Encourage your child to tell you about their learning and what they enjoy at school
  • Talk with your child about their feelings

We Nurture Parents:

  • We make visitors feel safe in our school.
  • We work with parents/ carers and other agencies to support the family around the child.
  • We will keep you updated regularly about your child’s progress and development in school.

We Nurture Staff:

  • We have a developing wellbeing offer including a wellbeing team, a supervision offer, and access to the school's advisory service.
  • Staff are able to access relevant and current training and professional development linked to nurture.
  • Staff feel respected, valued, and supported.