Welcome to the Infant School Curriculum Page
Our curriculum aims to develop our children's understanding and curiosity and give them the opportunities to develop independent skills and a sense of joy and pride in their learning.
In Early Years the Foundation staff plan a creative curriculum led by the children's interests, promoting child discovery. They use the environment to foster curiosity and our children learn to develop independence and problem-solving skills from day one. They develop their phonics, writing and mathematical skills through teacher directed and child-initiated activities. These skills are continued into KS1. We aim to give our children a broad and balanced curriculum in which they have opportunities to ask and explore their own questions. Using the National Curriculum to guide key skills; staff plan creative topics to inspire learning and explore new ideas which give children opportunities to apply their skills across all areas of their learning. Our lessons are carefully planned using a Talk for Writing approach in English and using White Rose materials in Maths to enable a deep level of understanding for our learners. We value hands-on learning and are keen for all learners to become independent through being: deep thinkers and confident speakers through drama and discussion.
Our homework tasks and extra-curricular clubs aim to enhance, deepen and increase the breadth of experiences our children can encounter during their time with us.
We value our children's and parent's /carer's opinions and ideas about the curriculum. The curriculum is always evolving as we aim to provide relevant engaging learning opportunities. We want our children to enjoy school and to create not only special memories and take part in memorable events, but to have mastered key English and Maths skills. We want our children to have an immense sense of pride in themselves so each child knows that we value their Tough Tortoise' and Super Squirrel' efforts and 'Wise Owl 'ideas. In the Infant School we work hard to ensure that children leaving us are 'Action Ants' and learn to cooperate in a group activity, in and outside the classroom, so they are ready for the learning opportunities that they will encounter in Key Stage 2 at the Junior school. If you have a skill or an idea that you would like to share with us, please contact the school office we would love to hear all about them.